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5 Things Vancouver: Sean Cranbury

by Dan
Travel + Vancouver / February 17, 2010

Sean Cranbury is the host of Books on the Radio and organizer of the W2 Real Vancouver Writers' Series, the Advent Book Blog and BookCamp Vancouver among other things.

Sean has been in the book trade since '89 as a bookseller, managing editor and industry consultant. He is currently on Faculty at the Simon Fraser Summer Publishing Immersion Program.

Sean works as a social media marketing consultant for non-profits in the health care and arts sectors. 


What neighborhood do you live in?
I live in the commercial Drive neighborhood in east Vancouver. It's this city's most culturally diverse neighborhood and boasts innumerable cafes, delis, vegetable markets, international restaurants, music venues, anarchists and head shops. It's classic. There's a park near my house with world class bacci courts where old timers from the Portuguese and Italian set battle for bragging rights. It's a neighborhood that Jane Jacobs would be proud of. In fact, the street shuts down for a few weekends during the summer to promote community spirit and often honours her. There's an amazing Lantern Festival at Trout Lake every summer not far from my house and something called the Parade of Lost Souls in the fall where ghouls walk the streets. It's a neighborhood of artists, musicians and writers. I wouldn't live anywhere else.

How long have you lived in Vancouver?
10 years now. Moved from Southern Ontario in '99—though I spent a few years out here in the mid-90's studying at Simon Fraser University and working at Duthie Books.

What is the single best thing about living in Vancouver?
I am typing this while sitting on my front porch in mid-February. I am wearing a t-shirt, the sky is clear and blue and the sun is practically blinding.  My neighbor is digging his garden in his front yard and some weird lady is talking to him about a 'problem' she has because she's apparently got too many tickets to the Olympics Opening Ceremonies. One of my other neighbors walks her cat around the block on a leash.

We have resplendent sunlight in the middle of February, mountains, ocean, incredible artists, writers, creative and/or insane people everywhere.

I love this vitality. Throw in a liberal dose of that mercurial West Coast State of Mind and I'm signed, sealed and delivered.

Where do you plan to watch the Olympics?
It is a known fact that my front door will be open and troupes of friends will be dropping by with refreshments and meat for grilling on the BBQ during that time.

It remains to be seen how inviting the downtown areas of Vancouver will be for spectating events via video screens or whatever.

But during that mythical Canada vs Russia gold medal mens hockey game I'll be sitting in my packed living room with my friends cheering.

What’s the most common misconception visitors have about Vancouver?

That everyone's stoned all the time. Nobody's stoned all the time... we're just stoned some of the time. Usually during business hours or in the early evenings. Or the mid-late afternoons. Or the late-mid mornings.  But never at dusk. We would never do that.

Thanks Sean!

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